New Shows and album update

While still working hard on our album (and actually writing another one at the same time) we have a couple of cool shows to announce. First of all on March 30 we'll be playing at this year's Paasconcerten at Jacobiberg Arnhem. Also, April 24 we'll be playing at sounds of science at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Album recordings will start again next month, this gives us some time to get the artwork done which we can hopefully share with you next month!


We're alive!

So it has been a while since our last blogpost but I assure you we've been working hard on our debut album. Most of the recording is done and we hope to finish it up this March!In the mean time we did a few shows to stay in shape. Check out this video below to see what you probably missed out on :)


Good stuff is about to happen so from now on we'll try to update the blog more often!

See ya!