We'll be playing at Willemeen ths October 24. Be there!
Debut show
We will be playing our debut show October 24 at Willemeen. We'll be opening for the wonderful Zechs Marquise! More info soon!
Live from the rehearsal
We shot this video from our rehearsal room/swimming pool. Song is called 'Zugzwang' [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQda9UDKgGs]
First demo track online
We are pleased to announce our first demo track called 'predator'. This track is just a teaser of what you can expect of our upcoming album next year. ENJOY! [bandcamp track=1948483723 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
Hello world
If you, for some strange reason, happen to read this: Hi! We are MANNHEIM and we are:
- an instrumental band
- loud
- from the Netherlands
- Working on our debut album
- having our first gig at Wilemeen Arnhem on October 24 with Zechs Marquise
See ya!